WEBINAR SERIES: Data protection in Journalism: Practical Tools

The European legal framework on personal strong>data protection is constantly evolving and the issue of citizens’ privacyis increasingly central to the public debate. Journalists must move confidently in this area, to ensure that people’s fundamental rights are respected while fulfilling their reporting role. This series of free webinars targeted to journalists will focus on different … Read more

PANELFIT Online Webinar: Data protection in journalism: practical tools

March 2, 2021, 4 pm CET Click here to register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0sfuiprzIuGtOpU-mfrr8niXCK3maUWaRR The European legal framework on personal data protection is constantly evolving and the issue of citizens’ privacy is increasingly central to the public debate. It is crucial for journalists to move confidently in this area, to ensure that people’s fundamental rights are respected while … Read more