Face-to-face training course in Madrid, 8 February 2022

8th February 2022, 11.00 – 13.00 CET,  SALA A, planta 1, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, UNED, Madrid. To be live-streamed by CANAL UNED, link provided upon registration. This course, to be delivered in Spanish, will cover mainly: Sharing PANELFIT experiences, PANELFIT Guidelines on Data Protection Ethical and Legal Issues in Research and … Read more

AI issues for people working in the health and welfare sector sector

Data driven science – reflections on how GDPR and AI-driven data collection changes what we do. Organised by the research groups of psychosocial work. Date: June 8 at 9:00AM By: Iñigo De Miguel Beriain, Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science. University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU GDPR and its implication for research (PDF) AI issues for … Read more

PANELFIT Online Webinar
The European Data Protection Regulation: A look outside the EU

February 25, 2021. 15:00 Click to join https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/b07608a0a7fd4efba640c0ce83c7dbf5 The event is designed to explain basic issues of personal data protection in the EU. The legal bases, the principles of the processing, the rights of natural persons in relation to their personal data, data protection by design and by default and data transfer to third countries … Read more

The 4th NKL Annual Conference. Life, knowledge and democracy during COVID-19. Call for abstract

The 2th NKL PhD training event, and 4th NKL Annual Conference, will take place online December 7 and 8 2020. The call is open for all interested parties. An NKL-member meeting will take place December 9 (the agenda will be available at the NKL homepage in due time). Topic The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our … Read more