The role of the GDPR: from the AI to the COVID-19

Gianclaudio Malgieri published (together with Giovanni Comande and Denise Amram an article entitled ‘Raccogliere piu dati si puo: c’e la legge’, *Corriere della Sera *(4 April 2020) and another article entitled: ‘The democracy of emergency at the time of the coronavirus: the virtues of privacy’, *Opinio Juris in comparatione, *preprint (April 2020)

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PANELFIT Monthly chats Ep.5 Google cloud services and cybersecurity. 1 April 2020

Liesbeth Hermans, Chief Marketing Officer at talked about  cybersecurity issues involved in the implementation of Google Cloud  services in Europe. Fourcast specialises in implementing Google Cloud  technologies at companies, and their point of view is very interesting  on the side of cybersecurity measures against data breaches and other  cybersecurity threats. Audio podcast: ?

Workshop on Data Protection and Ethics Guidelines for ICT R&D

Madrid 2-4 March. European experts meet to participate in the development of Panelfit guidelines that will provide  recommendations for action on Data Protection and Cybersecurity issues in the use of main technologies. What basic aspects of data protection and cybersecurity need to be considered to writing an email, designing a website or sending a newsletter? … Read more

Monthly chats

Vulnerable Data Subjects and EU law. Who are vulnerable data  subjects, and what are they risking when they take decisions on their  personal data? What harms could they suffer when those data are  processed and actions are taken on their behalf? We addressed these  and other issues with Gianclaudio Malgieri, Attorney at Law and a … Read more

How far has your company come with GDPR?

You can discover with an attractive Quiz Show format the relationship of the companies with the GDPR since its mandatory implementation, now almost two years ago. In this article by Patricia Jimenez from everis, Panelfit projectis referenced as an initiative that will promote measures for digital privacy also in the European regulatory framework. Take a look at “How far … Read more

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